Modern medicine offers a wide range of drugs for the treatment of prostatitis. Exactly what to use and how much should be determined by an experienced doctor. There are special pills, injections, candles, microclysters for the course of treatment. And very often suppositories with rectal use are used for prostatitis, such drugs prevent pain and have antibacterial effect.

The reasons may be completely different:
- violation of the hormonal background of the body;
- lack of sexual intercourse for a long time;
- unusual intimate relationships;
- venereal diseases;
- diseases of the urinary system;
- weakened immunity;
- exposure to bacteria or viruses.
By using suppositories for prostatitis, both experts and patients themselves believe that you can achieve greater effectiveness.
Suppositories for prostatitis are in the form of a capsule with a drug. A distinctive feature of the course of treatment of prostatitis by this method is the accelerated process of distribution and action of the drug due to the work of blood vessels in the rectum. It has also been shown that when the drug is administered rectally, the drug entering the bloodstream, unlike the oral administration of tablets, almost does not change its original structure.
Candles for prostatitis: cheap and effective
There are several subtypes of rectal suppositories for prostatitis, they have different characteristics, different effects on the disease and the body.
The first subtypes include antibacterial candles. This medicine should be taken only after consulting a doctor. Suppositories have a spasmolytic effect, resulting in a sedative effect, and antibacterial suppositories help to relieve muscle tension.
Anti-inflammatory rectal suppositories eliminate swelling and promote the regeneration of damaged tissues.
Depending on the pricing policy, there are cheap and effective candles for prostatitis, including exotic candles that contain natural ingredients. One of the most effective exotic candles is propolis candles.
Treatment of prostatitis often involves the use of complex suppositories. Such candles can act in different ways at the same time: to prevent the inflammatory process, reduce the temperature, relieve pain, relax, and so on.
List of the most common suppositories for prostatitis:
- Suppositories are antibiotics that fight infection and inflammation perfectly.
- Antispasmodic suppositories. They relieve muscle tension and improve blood circulation.
- Anti-inflammatory suppositories that relieve pain, eliminate inflammation and stabilize blood circulation.
- Propolis-based suppository promotes rapid tissue healing and inflammation.
- Cow prostate suppository. Suppositories eliminate swelling, prevent stagnation and blood clotting, improve erection, relieve pain, increase libido.
According to doctors and patients, the best candles for prostatitis
One of the most popular drugs for the treatment of prostatitis is propolis suppositories. Such candles are often used as a prophylactic agent and in a direct course of treatment. In some cases, propolis has been shown to have a therapeutic effect on propolis in the early stages of developing benign prostate cancer.
Candles for the treatment of prostatitis: rectal, anti-inflammatory, with antibiotics
Candles for the treatment of prostatitis with propolis can have an anti-inflammatory effect and act as an antibacterial agent.
After the use of rectal suppositories containing propolis, the circulatory process in the prostate area is significantly improved, edema is eliminated, the tonic condition of muscle tissue is normalized, the growth of glandular tissue stops.
Therefore, propolis suppositories can be used for chronic prostatitis, inflammation of the prostate gland and cystitis, adenoma, etc. It is used in the treatment of other diseases such as.
Antibiotic suppositories are widely used in the treatment of prostatitis, the effectiveness of such suppositories is considered high and they have a wide range of options. According to most patients, suppositories containing both antibiotics and bee products are the best rectal suppositories. Also, many men noted the good performance and effectiveness of a suppository with antipyretic components and antispasmodics.
Doctors are confident that the use of suppositories for the rectal treatment of prostatitis can achieve the following results:
- to destroy pathogenic microbes and bacteria;
- slow down and then eliminate the inflammatory process;
- to get rid of painful feelings and feelings of anxiety;
- to improve the process of vascular circulation in damaged tissues;
- increase the body's resistance to disease;
- reduces the risk of various tumors.
According to doctors and patients, the most effective candles for prostatitis
Rectal suppositories, which are considered antitumor and immunomodulatory, are very effective. The main components in such candles are usually propolis, royal milk, pollen, honey, vegetable oils, medicinal mud, components of the animal's sex glands.
Doctors consider ichthyol suppositories to treat prostatitis as an indispensable drug in the fight against prostatitis. They have a disinfectant, antiseptic, analgesic effect, and ichthyol suppositories help to stabilize the circulatory process in the affected area.
In the treatment of prostatitis, papaverine suppositories are used, which are able to relieve spasms of the prostate muscle tissue, vascular walls and bladder walls. Such candles effectively relieve feelings of anxiety and pain and promote normal blood flow to the organs of the groin area.
Doctors recommend the use of methyluracil rectal suppositories as a drug that restores the patient's immune system. Such candles can affect the restoration of the protective barrier, as well as enhance the therapeutic effect and promote a faster healing process. In short, the patient's immunity is fully strengthened, which leads to a quick and effective recovery from prostatitis.
Rectal suppository from belladonna, or as it is called, belladonna also has a good effect in the treatment of prostatitis. It is customary to use these candles in combination with vitamins and antibiotics. Candles are a good helper in the treatment of chronic prostatitis. Belladonna-based rectal suppositories have anti-inflammatory, analgesic and sedative effects.
Candles for the prevention of prostatitis
In addition to all of the above rectal suppositories used for the prevention and treatment of prostatitis, there are also lighting suppositories that prevent the disease. These suppositories include rectal suppositories based on beeswax, propolis or honey. Candles containing cocoa butter are also effective in preventing prostatitis.
The doctor will tell you which drugs to choose, with what effect and content, how to use them, and what to be afraid of when taking suppositories to prevent prostatitis, who will trust the diagnosis. disease and the presence or absence of contraindications to certain types of rectal suppositories in the patient.