Dietary requirements
In case of inflammation of the prostate gland, in addition, follow a proper diet.
- elimination of constipation, which causes increased pain and prevents blood circulation in the pelvic organs;
- elimination of intoxication in the body, which is observed when feces are stored for a long time in the intestines, where bacteria that cause decay develop;
- improving intestinal motility and the entire digestive process.
- berries, fruits, vegetables, herbs;
- cereals, bran, freshly squeezed juices.
If prostatitis develops, blood vessels are also affected. They are in a state of spasm and therefore obstruct local blood flow. Cell hypoxia develops, so they begin to become inflamed and die. Blood flow is disrupted not only in the prostate, but also in other pelvic organs. This promotes the development of edema and ascites may occur.
Complex treatment is required to restore blood flow from the pelvic organs. They use medication, physiotherapy, physical activity and diet. The diet includes fatty acids that improve blood circulation, the functioning of the reproductive system and the production of testosterone.

- diabetes;
- atherosclerosis.
Therefore, when the underlying disease develops, it is recommended to review your diet and limit foods high in glucose and cholesterol.
Dietary features
To improve men's health, the body must receive a sufficient amount of vitamins, trace elements and minerals that improve the functioning of the urinary and reproductive systems.
- zinc - 30 mg;
- selenium - 7 mcg.
- seafood - shrimp, mussels, oysters;
- algae, seaweed, sea fish;
- quail, chicken egg.
Many urologists recommend replacing chicken eggs with quail eggs. They contain a minimum amount of cholesterol, but a maximum amount of vitamins and trace elements.
Table of foods that contain large amounts of selenium.
Product group | Types of food |
Egg | quail |
Meat products | Beef, rabbit, pork liver |
Sea products | Oysters, squid, scallops, octopus |
Legumes | Beans, peas, lentils |
Cereals | Oats, buckwheat, corn or barley groats |
Oil | Olive, linseed |
nuts | Cedar, walnut |
Table of foods containing zinc.
Product group | Types of food |
Sea products | All types |
Nuts, seeds | Watermelon, pumpkin, sesame, all kinds of nuts |
Meat products | Beef, lamb, liver |
Fish | All types |
Egg | Yellow |

Even if you eat a lot of foods that contain selenium and zinc, you may not get enough. This is due to intestinal dysfunction. Then it is recommended to buy multivitamin preparations containing these substances. Doctors recommend using drugs that concentrate not only vitamins, but also antioxidants. They remove free radicals and intoxication products from the body and stimulate cell renewal.
Eat foods high in vitamin E to increase testosterone production and regulate estradiol levels.
- removal of free radicals, toxins and waste from the body;
- improve the absorption of vitamins and trace elements;
- recovery of damaged tissues after a severe inflammatory process.
Follow a regular diet to prevent recurrence of the disease.
The principle of nutrition
- Calculation of the total amount of food for 1 day divided into 5-6 meals, so that a person consumes no more than 300 g of food at one time;
- preparation of a meal schedule to improve the production of digestive enzymes, absorption of nutrients and prevent the development of constipation;
- In order to prevent swelling and increased activity of the urinary system, it is forbidden to consume any type of liquid a few hours before going to bed and throughout the night;
- the diet is based on protein foods, fruits, vegetables, grains, high-quality fat;
- to minimize carbohydrate levels.
Most men with chronic prostatitis are overweight or obese. Then they turn to a gastroenterologist or nutritionist who chooses optimal nutrition and a strict diet. This applies to men weighing more than 100 kg. Obesity puts additional stress on the prostate, so the function of the organ is further reduced. This complicates or completely eliminates the effect of treatment.
Product exclusion
- a large amount of salt, which causes fluid retention in the body, causing swelling, including the prostate;
- spices, seasonings, marinades, pickles, homemade preparations - increase tissue swelling and cause accumulation of subcutaneous fat;
- fish roe, preserves, sausage, salty cheese;
- chocolate, confectionery juice, other cocoa products;
- lemonade, soda;
- bread, baked goods, sauces;
- products with a large number of chemicals, emulsifiers, dyes, stabilizers, carcinogens, preservatives;
- dairy products with a long shelf life, more than 7 days.
If you do not reduce the amount of these products, the fluid will continue to accumulate, which will increase the compression of the inflamed tissue. The inflammatory process will intensify, local blood circulation will become difficult, and the situation will begin to deteriorate and become more complicated.

Attention! Alcoholic beverages of any kind are prohibited. You should not use them in any dosage, especially if it concerns the period of exacerbation. Ethyl alcohol has a negative effect on the entire circulatory system and inhibits blood circulation. This aggravates the condition of the prostate gland during the inflammatory process. Acute hypoxia develops and the supply of nutrients decreases. Gradually, infertility and impotence develop in men, and the adenoma turns into a malignant form.
- dark chocolate, cocoa;
- vegetables with a high concentration of purines, peas, beans;
- ventricles, beef liver.
Some patients who go into remission or chronic inflammation of the prostate drink alcohol.
- use only high-quality alcohol;
- prohibition of drinking ethyl alcohol on an empty stomach;
- the use of high-protein snacks;
- Observe your feelings, if pain or dizziness appears, stop drinking alcohol;
- use the minimum dose so as not to cause intoxication of the body.
- vodka - up to 150 ml;
- beer - no more than 0. 5 l;
- wine - no more than 200 ml.
It is allowed to consume alcoholic drinks no more than 1-2 times a month. Strictly follow the indicated dosage.
Consumer products
When you are sick, your body needs food with the maximum amount of micronutrients and vitamins. They use foods with a lot of protein, a minimum level of carbohydrates and fat.
- olive, linseed, pumpkin oil;
- low-fat sour cream;
- a small piece of lard consumed once a month.
Animal fats are not recommended, they concentrate a lot of cholesterol. It can block blood circulation due to the accumulation of cholesterol plaques that block the artery. Therefore, remove the skin and fat layer before cooking the meat.

- eat a small amount of chicken meat, it contains purines that quickly accumulate in the body;
- Basically, the diet should include rabbit, beef, lamb;
- add a small amount of egg whites and natural dairy products;
- any kind of fish, which is recommended to be consumed at least 2-3 times a week.
Eat nuts and seeds to increase the amount of protein in your diet. However, they are used only at the end of the acute period of the inflammatory process. Dairy products are used daily to increase calcium and other nutrients.

- dried fruits, berries, fruits;
- cereals, grains, starchy vegetables;
- sweets in the form of jelly or marmalade.
Doctors remind that it is better to limit the content of foods containing a lot of starch. This causes constipation and increased inflammation in the prostate. Therefore, it is allowed to use cucumber, eggplant, garlic and tomato from all starch products. They are quickly absorbed, saturate the body with vitamins and trace elements, prevent the development of stress and constipation in the digestive system. Gradually, blood vessels are cleaned and toxins are removed.
Frying, cooking and smoking are prohibited. It should be boiled, steamed, baked. Add a minimum amount of salt and exclude spices.
Nutritional menu for prostatitis
The table shows the approximate diet for one week.
Day | Breakfast | Lunch | Supper | Afternoon snack | Supper | Late dinner |
First | Oatmeal with milk 150 g, carrot juice 100 ml, vegetable salad 100 g | Vegetable puree 150 g | Tomato and cucumber salad with olive oil 100g, boiled fish with tomato sauce 200g, hip broth 150g | Kefir 150 ml, 3 crackers | Steamed beef cutlets, two pieces, durum wheat pasta 100 g, mineral water 150 ml | Kefir 150 ml |
Second | Barley porridge 200 g, 1 banana, orange juice 100 ml | 2 boiled eggs | Borsch in vegetable broth 200 ml, grilled chicken breast with vegetables 200 g, dried fruit compote 150 ml | A small amount of dark chocolate, milk 150 ml | Seafood salad with vegetables 200 g, rose hip broth 150 ml | Low-fat yogurt 200 ml |
the third | Rice porridge 150 g, weak tea 200 ml, biscuits 2 pcs | Fruit slices | Fish soup 200 g, boiled chicken with chopped vegetables 200 g, fruit compote 150 ml | Fruit jelly 150 g, cookies 3 pcs | Steamed dumplings with sweet pepper and tomatoes 200 g, herbal tea 150 ml | Ryazhenka 150 ml |
Fourth | Buckwheat porridge with milk 200 g, dry fruits, green tea 150 ml | Different types of nuts | Pumpkin puree soup with rye bread 200 g, apple juice 200 ml | Baked cheesecakes 200 g, berry juice 150 ml | Steamed cod 150 g, vegetables 150 g, berry jelly 100 ml | Kefir 150 ml |
The fifth | Corn porridge with milk 200 g, unsalted cheese 2 slices, black tea 150 ml | Baked apple | Steamed beef cutlets, hard pasta 250 g, green tea 150 ml | cottage cheese stew with raisins 150 g | Rabbit meat cooked with low-fat sour cream 200 g, sliced vegetables 100 g, mineral water 150 ml | Ryazhenka 150 ml |
sixth | Steamed omelet from 3 eggs, freshly squeezed orange juice 150 ml | Fruit slices 200 g | Chicken soup 150 g, cooked lamb meat 150 g, vegetable puree 100 g, fruit compote 150 ml | Pumpkin seeds | Salmon cutlets 2 pieces, boiled buckwheat 150 g, chamomile tea 150 ml | Milk 150 ml |
Seventh | Oatmeal 150 g, 1 boiled quail egg, apple juice 150 milliliters | Fresh berries 150 g | Pilaf with lamb meat 200 g, dried fruit compote 150 ml | Cottage cheese stew 150 g, black tea 150 ml | Boiled beef 100 g, boiled cabbage 100 g, green tea 150 ml | Freshly squeezed vegetable juice 150 ml |
If you follow the established dietary rules, you can alleviate the condition of a person during prostatitis. Proper diet prevents recurrence of the disease, reduces swelling and inflammation in the prostate gland. Recovery is faster and you can reach the stage of remission in a short time. However, we must not forget the drug treatment prescribed by the doctor. Diet is an auxiliary method that should be prescribed by a urologist or nutritionist depending on the medical history and the characteristics of the patient's body.